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湖南自考英语毕业论文:“以读促写” 提高高中生英语写作能力的有效途径

2017-06-01 10:41:58

   Here are some tips in using the notebooks. We can use one notebook specifically for noting down the useful words, phrases and expressions; another notebook for good ideas and examples and another one for our opinions and comments. Besides, we should form a habit of classifying the good ideas and examples and our comments and opinions in the light of our own habit, for example, according to education, life, study, science, etc..

6.3.2 Writing from reading

In this stage, we should form a habit of writing a composition about 100 words at least once in a week based on the topics from the reading materials that we are interested in. While writing, we should try to use or imitate the information we have noted down from reading, including the structures and organization of the text, word usages, phrases and expressions, sentence patterns, idioms, etc.. This is actually a process of learning form reading and writing from reading. The writing must be finished in a limit time. It’s all right if we can finish a piece of composition about 100 words within twenty-five minutes, which match the time arranged for composition writing in English tests. Writing from reading is a step for the purpose of improving our quick reaction capacity to the reading materials and applying what we have learned directly. Thus, we will gradually form a habit of organizing our mind quickly and get our ideas run fluently on the papers in English if we keep training like this. In this way, we can improve our EFL writing ability effectively.

6.3.3 Post -writing reading and rewriting

After finishing writing, we have to read our composition carefully by ourselves and compare ours with the reading materials. We should check if there are any mistakes or problems in words, sentences, spellings, structures, etc.. Then, we are expected to sincerely request our teachers or peers to evaluate and make comments on our works. At last, we should make clear about the mistakes and correct them in our compositions. Of course, it’s very nice if we can rewrite our works. This step is very significant to the improvement of our EFL writing ability.

While checking and rewriting our compositions, we can consult the following criteria:

1) Are our compositions written for definite readers?

2) Is there a clear theme in our compositions?

3) Are the words, sentences and spellings correct in our compositions?

4) Whether our compositions are well-organized and structured?

5) Are the examples or details persuasive and relevant to the theme?

6) Can our compositions achieve effective communication?

7 Conclusion

Many attempts have been tried to improve the students’ EFL writing ability in senior high schools, like product approach and process approach, but the effectiveness of these approaches are far form satisfactory. Although reading-to-writing approach has been advocated in EFL teaching, the students know little about reading-to-writing approach and unaware of putting this approach into practice. The thesis mainly analyzes the present situation of English writing in senior high schools, expounds the nature of and the relationship between reading and writing to inform the students that writing can be integrated with reading to maximize what they have obtained from reading materials, discusses the necessity and feasibility of reading-to-writing approach to demonstrate that this approach is an appropriate means to improve EFL writing ability and puts forward reading-to-writing approach in EFL writing practice. To sum up, reading-to-writing approach is not only a means to developing the students’ quick reaction capacity, critical thinking ability and the awareness of cooperation, but also an effective one to improving their EFL writing ability.

No approach is perfect in improving the students’ EFL writing ability, because many factors can influence their writing performance. It does have limitations in my study. First, this thesis is only an empirical and theoretical study of reading-to-writing approach. There are no experiment and data to support the effectiveness of this approach in my study. It is suggested that future researchers choose at least 200 students in different areas to conduct researches to show how effective of applying reading-to-writing approach. In this way, with effective and sufficient data, the effectiveness of reading-to-writing would be more persuasive and more findings will be found. Second, the thesis does not take the students’ English competence, individuality, interest, gender into consideration. Further researches are supposed to probe into these aspects and find out the impacts of these aspects on improving students’ EFL writing ability.


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