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湖南自考英语毕业论文:Analysis for Basic Characteristics of Business Letter in International Trade

2017-06-01 10:42:32

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Analysis for Basic Characteristics of Business Letter in International Trade


[Abstract] With the rapid and continuous development of Chinese economy and more close connection with the world, more and more Chinese companies enter the international market gradually, while the top overseas multinational companies also come into our domestic market, also the international business communication showing a significant increase with the continuous development of processing for global economic integration and frequent international business contacts.

In the international business communication, the way of aspectant communication is the main way to be used, which include of business letter, phone contact, and on-line chatting tools, etc. Because of the fast development of internet and informatization, E-mail becomes the primary form that be chosen in the business letter contact, which have functions to be as legal basis and explain more clear with the dispute, so as can promote the cooperation, because it has advantages of fast, promptness, efficiency, stability and can be re-checked;


 [Keywords]  Business Letters, Basic Characteristics,International Trade




Probably the people who using E-mail to communicate with each other both did not met each other before, just contact via mail, inside of the communicating process, both parties should try their best to mould a favorable image for each other, to protect the nice and stable cooperating relationship between them, so as can got the mutual benefits. But for reaching this result, E-mail becomes the key.

Every letter between the sender and recipient has an information exchange. In the letter the ancient with more emotional elements is a good way to be handled. However, many people have a misconception that business letters should be used for a official "business chamber", so a warm and friendly mail became to a dull communication, they are preferring to write “Your letter has been received” or “Your complaint is being looked into” but not “I have received your letter” or “We are looking into your complaint”。

Actually each letter of the contacts can be viewed as a conversation between each other, only the contents of the conversation shifted to writing. More with some simple statements, using “I / we” as the subject so as to allow the letter be felt more of passion and friendship, like a simple, natural and humanistic conversation between two friends.

Following content will be mainly presented from the main characteristics of letter writing should be noticed.


Courteous messages help to strengthen present business friendships, as well as make new friends. Courtesy stems from sincere you-attitude. It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertions of "please's" and "thank-you's." To be courteous, considerate communicators should follow these suggestions regarding tone of the communications.

Prompt feedback is a polite expression. Because the buyer usually only check the beginning replies that received from which to choose the right supplier, that means, a late reply will cause you to loose the opportunity of business.

For example: 

We have received with many thanks your letter of 20 May, and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it. You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed, which you requested in your letter of 20 May.

2. Consideration

Consideration means that you prepare every message with the recipient in mind and try to put yourself in his or her place. Try to visualize your readers with their desires, problems, circumstances, emotions, and probable reactions to your request. Then handle the matter from their point of view. This thoughtful consideration is also called "you-attitude," empathy, the human touch, and understanding of human nature. (It does not mean, however, that you should overlook the needs of your organization.)

In a broad but true sense, consideration underlies the other six C's of good business communication. You adapt your language and message content to your receiver's needs when you make your message complete, concise, concrete, clear, courteous, and correct.

We need think more about the requirements from our partners when we write to them, but not think from our aspect. To give more respects from your manner of mail, to show an attitude of considerate for your cooperators’ feeling and circumstances.

For example:

"You can get 2percent discount if you pay by cash, and we will send you the brochure next month. " is better than "We allow 2percent discount for cash payment. We won't be able to send you the brochure this month.

3. Completeness

Your business message is "complete" when it contains all facts the reader or listener needs for the reaction you desire. Remember that communicators differ in their mental filters; they are influenced by their backgrounds, viewpoints, needs, attitudes, status, and emotions.

Completeness is necessary for several reasons. First, complete messages are more likely to bring the desired results without the expense of additional messages. Second, they can do a better job of building goodwill. Third, they can help avert costly lawsuits that may result if important information is missing.

Sentences not to be fragmented.

For example:

“He decided not to audit the last ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance.” Here the two sentences should be linked together as: “He decided not to audit the last ten contracts because of our previous objections about compliance.”

An business letter should be inclusive of all necessary requirements, and complete information transferred is much important. Such as Invitation letter should state date, place, for what reason, etc. It is not suggested that send a mail with unclear content


4. Clarity

Clarity means getting your message across so the receiver will understand what you are trying to convey. You want that person to interpret your words with the same meaning you have in mind. Accomplishing that goal is difficult because, as you know, individual experiences are never identical, and words have different meanings to different persons.

4.1  The use of letter fonts

Many people in pursuit of eye-catching, always like to use very bold fonts, colors, and even enlarge, bold, then italic, etc, in fact, a look will make people very uncomfortable. Often written with a foreigner who will find the email, customers will rarely use odd fonts or bold, or even all upper case to write the message, but a few of Nigeria, the African guests, I have had no practical work experience.

People tend to be more common in Europe and America is following fonts: Arial, Verdana, Calibri, Times new roman, there are some with the Tahoma font, but relatively less. Taiwan and Hong Kong as part of the guests will use PMingLiU this font. As for color, usually black or blue, do not appear in the message linked to a variety of odd-odd strange color, like a rainbow, looking uncomfortable.
  If the message in the general customers particularly bold or capital, or marked with red is definitely something special emphasis. For example there is a guest of the message is as follows:

Dear C,

Please help to send the samples to my HK office BEFORE THIS WEEKEND.



4.2   A clear theme.

An explicit theme, make the guests are not interested to open messages from strangers. This requires experience, the content should be concise, direct theme to attract customers by opening the mail, the purpose is achieved. As for his reaction after seeing there, we should look at the contents of the actual situation and your skill. Some people write messages that set the theme: "we are the manufacturer of lights", Or "need cooperation", or "Changsha trading company ltd", or "price list for lights Changsha trading company ltd" and so on, to see Know the sales letter. When you sell a week to receive a letter, you may be interested to see, but if you get a lot of letters sales letters a day, it is estimated will be so tired, be polite directly delete the. So how to write the theme, so guests know that this is closed sales letters, or should not help open look? The situation should be judged according to the occasion.

For example, suppose I do solar lights company DEF Co. Ltd, the company's largest customers is the United States, Home Depot, although it may be done by traders, not the direct cooperation, but can develop new customers as a Chip! If I write a letter to the U.S. development of ABC inc, I Google some of the companies on the understanding of the information,

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