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2018-08-03 11:52:55


Passage Five

     Every year just after Christmas the January Sales start. All the shops reduce their prices and for two weeks, they are full of people looking for bargains. My husband and I do not normally go to the sales as we don’t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we have to buy lots of Christmas presents.

      Last year, however, I took my husband with me to the sales at the large shop in the center of London. We both needed some new clothes and were hoping to find a television set. When we got to Oxford Street, it was so crowded that we decided to split up and meet again at the underground station. So I left my husband and started looking around the shops. Unfortunately all the clothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me. But I did buy a television at a very cheap price, so I felt quite pleased with myself.

     When I arrived at the station, my husband was not there. So I sat down in a nearby cafe to have a cup of tea. I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meet him. He looked very happy. Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavy cardboard box. “Oh, dear!” I thought. Yes, we had no new clothes but two televisions. We shall not be going to the sales again.

181. In January ____________.

A. lots of people go shopping for discount

B. people have a lot of money to spend after Christmas

C. all the shops close for a two-week Christmas holiday

D. people don’t have enough money to go looking for bargains

182. In this passage, the word “bargain” could best be replaced by “something_______”.

A. given to people  B. offered at a reduced price

C. offeredsold or bought which is expensive   D. sold for the purpose of reaching an agreement

183. The husband and wife in the story __________ .

A. wished to buy a TV   B. went to the sales the year before

C. often went to the sales to buy clothes   D. were usually not short of money after Christmas

184. The phrase “split up” in the second paragraph means“_________”.

A. break apart     B. cause to break     C. become pieces     D. go indifferent directions

185. After their day’s shopping, they _________.

A. were happy with their bargains B. had got everything they wanted

C. got more than they had hoped forD. had to go back to the sales the next day




【答案】181-185 ABADC

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