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2019-02-19 09:43:21


     51.In many Western countries,a considerable number of parents have removed their children from school and are teaching them at home.Such children do all their normal lessons at home,often under the guidance of a parent.The first thing to consider is whether this is legal or not.In most countries it is,SO long as parents can prove that their children are receiving an adequate education,equal to that provided by their state educational system.the next consideration is whether the parents have the time,self-discipline,intelligence and patience to teach their own child week after week,day in and day out,for hours on end.Then there is the problem of wh Nat will be taught,and how.



     52.You are to write in no less than 120 Words about the title“Finding a job in a Big City or a Small Town?”You should base your composition on the outline given in chinese below:




     Finding a Job in a Big City or a Small Town?

     I think college graduates should not just concern themselves with getting a job with a big company in a big city.They can also establish themselves in small towns or in underdeveloped places.

     The unemployment rate of Chinese college graduates has soared in recent years,which can partly be attributed to their unrealistic expectations.Many want a job with a famous company but turn a cold shoulder to jobs in rural areas or small towns,thinking working there is a waste of their talent.

     Is it true that a person cannot achieve much unless working in a big city or big company?

     The story of my friend Xiao Wu gives that question a negative answer.

     Xiao Wu was a former investment manager with a well-known company and had a PhD in finance.He resigned from his post and took over his mother's pig farm in his hometown.

     He has made a fortune through his flourishing pig farm business.He had the courage to abandon his established career because he saw the potential in rural areas brought about by new policies in recent years to accelerate the development of agriculture and the rural economy,and to increase the income of farmers.

     His success is a result of his down-to-earth manner and his boldness.

     Indeed,big companies and big cities can provide fresh graduates with a better chance for promotion and a wider field of vision.But college graduates can also learn some practical skills if they begin their career in grassroots companies or institutions.

     Successful people are those who are courageous enough to break down outdated ideology.People can make their careers in the countryside as well as in big cities.


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