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2018-11-12 10:24:40

The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things:the invention of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. Labor-saving natu-rally appeared first where labor was rare. "In Europe", said Thomas Jefferson," the object is to make the most of their land, labor being sufficient; here it is to make the most of our labor,land being abundant. " It was in America, therefore, that the great advances in nine-teenth-century agricultural machinery first came.


At the opening of the century, with the exception of a crude (粗糙的) plow, farmers could have carried practically all of the existing agricultural tools on their backs. By 1860,most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early form. The most important of the early inventions was the iron plow. As early as 1890 Charles Newbolt of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast-iron plow and spent his entire fortune in introducing his invention. The farmers, however, would bring home none of it, claiming that the iron poi-soned the soil and made the weeds grow. Nevertheless, many people devoted their attention to the plow,until in 1869,James Oliver of South Bend, Indiana, turned out the first chilled steel plow.


31.The word "here" refers to__________.






C.New Jersey






32.Which of the following statement is NOT true?


A.The need for labor helped the invention of machinery in America.


B.The farmer rejected Charles Newbolt's plow for fear of ruin of their fields.


C.Both Europe and America had great need for farm machinery.


D.It was in Indiana that the first chilled-steel plow was produced.




解析:细节判断题。文章第一段中有这样的句子:In Europe,the object is to make the most of their land,labor being sufficient,here it is to make the most of our labor,and land being abundant(在欧洲,我们的目标是劳动力充足,要充分利用土地,在美国是土地充足,要正确使用劳动力)。因此,说欧洲和美国都急需农业机械化是错误的。正确答案为C。


33.The passage is mainly about__________.


A.the agriculture revolution


B.the invention of labor-saving machinery


C.the development of scientific agriculture


D.the farming machinery in America






34.At the opening of the nineteenth-century,farmers in America__________.


A.preferred light tools


B.were extremely self-reliant


C.had many tools


D.had very few tools




解析:逻辑推断题。文章中有这样的句子:At the opening of the century,with the exception of a crude plow,farmers could have carried practically all of the existing agri-cultural tools on their backs(在本世纪初,除了一个粗糙的耕犁之外,农民可以把其余所有的农具背在背上)。说明当时的农具很少。D为正确答案。


35.It is implied but not stated in the passage that__________.


A.there was a shortage of workers on American farms


B.the most important of the early invention was the iron plow


C.many people devoted their attention to the plow


D.Charles Newbolt had made a fortune by his cast-iron plow




解析:逻辑推断题。从文章第二段的The most important of the early inven-tions was the iron plow可以看出B是明确表明了的;从这句Nevertheless,many people de-voted their attention to the plow来看,C也是原文给出了的;从这句Charles Newbolt of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast--iron plow and spent his entire fortune in intro-ducing his invention可以得知D也是原文明确表明的;从第一段here it is to make the most of our labor,land being abundant(充分利用劳动力,土地资源丰富),可以推断出劳动力缺乏,所以A是文章暗含的内容。

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