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2019-03-08 16:02:01




I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.  Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)
1. There are ______ major classes of compounds. 
A. two            B. for                 C. three            D. five
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Connotative meaning refers to associations suggested by the conceptual meaning. 
B. Stylistic meaning accounts for the formality of the word concerned. 
C. Affective meaning is universal to all men alike. 
D. Denotative meaning can always be found in the dictionary. 
3. After the invading Germanic tribes settled down in Britain, their language almost totally blotted out ______. 
A. Old English                     B. Middle English
C. Anglo-Saxon                    D. Celtic
4. The idiom “Jack of all trades” results from ______. 
A. addition                        B. position-shifting
C. dismembering                    D. shortening
5. ______ are those that cannot occur as separate words without adding other morphemes. 
A. Free roots                      B. Free morphemes
C. Bound morphemes                D. Meaningful units
6. The major factors that promote the growth of modern English are ______. 
A. the growth of science and technology
B. economic and political changes
C. the influence of other cultures and languages
D. all the above
7. Since  the beginning of this century, ______ has become even more important for the expansion of English vocabulary. 
A. word-formation                   B. borrowing
C. semantic change                  D. both B and C
8. Which of the following characteristics of the basic word stock is the most important?
A. Stability     B. Collocability.
C. Productivity.    D. National character.
9. The two major factors that cause changes in meaning are ______. 
A. historical reason and class reason
B. historical reason and psychological reason
C. class reason and psychological reason
D. extra-linguistic factors and linguistic factors
10. The fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants is whether ______. 
A. they come from the same source
B. they are correlated with one central meaning
C. they are listed under one headword in a dictionary
D. all the above 
11. Degradation of meaning is the opposite of ______. 
A. semantic transfer                 B. semantic pejoration
C. semantic elevation                D. semantic narrowing
12. An idiom consists of at least two words.  Each has a single meaning and often functions as one word.  This is called ______. 
A. semantic unity                     B. structural stability
C. rhetorical function                D. none of the above
13. Which of the following suffixes can be used to form both nouns and adjectives? ______
A. -ion.           B. -ism.          

C. -ity.           D. -ist. 
14. More often than not, functional words only have ______. 
A. lexical meaning                B. associative meaning
C. collocative meaning            D. grammatical meaning
15. Linguistic context is also known as ______ context. 
A. social              B. verbal         

D. lexical          D. physical

Ⅳ. Study the following words and expressions and identify 1) types of affixes; 2) types of meaning and 3) types of motivation. (10%)
31. mismanage                         (          ) 
32. elephants-trumpet                     (          ) 
33. pretty              (          ) 
34. forehead                               (          )
35. bossy                                  (          ) 
36. sun: a heavenly body which gives off light, heat  (          ) 
37. anti-establishment                     (          ) 
38. subsea                                 (          )
39. a sea of troubles                      (          ) 
40. harder                                 (          ) 
Ⅴ. Define the following terms. (10%)
41. idiom
42. functional words
43. degradation
44. bilingual dictionary
45. conversion
Ⅵ. Answer the following questions.  Your answers should be clear and short.  Write your answers in the space given below. (12%)
46. What factors should one take into account when he chooses a dictionary?
47. What are the features of compounds? Give examples. 
48. Cite ONE example to illustrate what grammatical meaning is. 
Ⅶ. Analyze and comment on the following.  Write your answers in the space given below. (18%)
49. Read the following extract and try to guess the meaning of the word in italics.  Then explain what contextual clues help you work out the meaning. 
‘Get me an avocado, please,’Janet said, smacking her lips, but her brother, with a glance up at the branches, said that there were none ripe yet. 
50. Make a tree diagram to arrange the following words in order of hyponymy. 
apple, cabbage, food, vegetable, mutton, fruit, peach, meat, beef, orange, spinach, pork, celery


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