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2019-03-08 15:46:59




Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)

 1. At the United States Embassy on May 22nd at 3:30pm, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Global Village of Beijing (GVB) will introduce their production of a 9 part agricultural video series to be broadcast on Chinese Central Television (CCTV) Summer 2002.

 The underlined word here is a/an (      ).

  A. verb        B. adjective        C. noun        D. adverb

 2. Roget's International Thesaurus is a (      ).

  A. notebook          B. text          C. words book           D. dictionary

 3. “-tion”, “-ing”, and “-s” belong to (      ).

  A. affixes          B. suffixes           C. roots          D. stems

 4. “Gay” is a synonym of (      ).

  A. joyful           B. joy          C. joyless          D. homosexual

 5. Of the modes of wordmeaning changes, (      ) are the most common.

  A. elevation and transfer          B. extension and narrowing

 C. degradation and transfer         D. narrowing and degradation

 6. Holiday-making is a (      ) motivated word.

  A. semantically           B. etymologically          

  C. onomatopoetically          D. morphologically

 7. In the idiom “all ears”, (      ) is used.

  A. metaphor          B. synecdoche          C. metonymy          D. euphemism

 8. “East/west” are (      ) antonyms.

  A. not           B. contradictory          C. contrary           D. relative

 9. “Look forward to” is an idiom (      ) in nature.

  A. adverbial           B. verbal          C. nominal          D. adjectival

 10. (      ) is used in particular discipline and academic areas.

  A. Slang           B. Jargon          C. Terminology          D. Argot

 11. Extra-linguistic context excludes (      ).

  A. clauses           B. time          C. place           D. people

 12. The main body of a dictionary is (      ) of words.

  A. spelling          B. pronunciation      C. usage        D. definition

 13. They saw her duck. This sentence is ambiguous because “duck” is (      ).

  A. ambiguous           B. a noun           

 C. a verb              D. either a noun or a verb

 14. Associative meaning does not contain (      ) meaning.

  A. grammatical                B. stylistic           

 C. connotative                 D. affective

 15. Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories:      and    .(   )

  A. stylistic/collocative              B. pejorative/appreciative

 C. adjectival/adverbial                D. nominative/substantive

 25.Physical situation or environment relating to the use of words is________ context.
 Ⅲ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) rhetorical features of the idioms;2)sense relations;3)assimilation degree; 4)characteristics of the basic word stock and motivation.(10%)
 A                         B
 26.poison (a drink)          (      )a part and parcel
 27.terminology               (      ) b extension
 28.alliteration              (      )c The Pocket English-Chinese Gem
 29.aliens                      (      )d metaphor
 30.arm in arm                  (      )e Balto-Slavic
 31. juxtaposition              (      )f repetition
 32. black sheep                (      )g narrowing
 33. pocket dictionary          (      )h weal and woe
 34. companion (a company)      (      )I borrowed words
 35. Czech                      (      )j special lexicology
 Ⅳ.Define the following terms.(15%)
 36. Basic Word Stock 
 37. Motivation
 38. Homonym
 39. Idiom 
 40. Desk dictionaries 
 Ⅴ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(15%)
 41. How would you explain the difference between prefixation and suffixation?
 42. Explain the difference between Reference and Sense.
 43. Explain the difference between encyclopedic dictionaries and encyclopedia dictionaries.
 Ⅵ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)
 44. Study the following dialogue and explain the rhetoric use.
“Why is Sunday the strongest day?”
“Because all the others are week days.”
 45. Analyse the following forms and comment.
 Easy come, easy go.
More haste, less speed.
here and there
give and take 


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