为有利于伦理议题分析的进行,Mason(1995)将伦理情境中的事实归纳成四种因子,包括道德代理人(moral agent)、可能的行动方案(alternative courses-of-action)、行动的预期结果(dilineation of the result)及被行动结果所影响之利害关系人(stakeholder)等。
上一个阶段之资讯伦理议题的分析的目的是找出与议题相关的事实,以便确认利害关系人之关系并拟定可行之行动方案。然而光有事实还不够,事实只告诉我们问题的原因(what)、可采行的行动方案,并没有告诉我们应如何做(what ought to be)。因此一旦确认了事实之后,接著便需要试著对各种可行方案进行评估,但这个时候决策者可能面临下列几个问题:
Anderson, R.E., Johnson, D.G., gotterBarn, D., and perrolle, J. 1993 Using the New ACM Code of Ethics in Decision Making. Commun. of the ACM. 36, 2, 98-107.
Athey, S. 1993 A Comparision of Experts's and High Tech Students Ethical Beliefs in Computer-related Situation. Journal of Business Ethics 12, 359-370.
Bommer, M., Grato, C., Gravander, J., and Tuttle, M. 1987 A Behavioral Model of Ethical and Unethical Decision Making. J. of Business Ethics 6, 265-280.
Collins, W.R., Miller, K.W., Spielman, B.J., and Wherry, P. 1994 How Good is Good Enough. Commun. of the ACM 37, 1, 81-91.
Conger, S. and Loch, K.D. 1995 Ethics and Computer Use. Commun. of the ACM 38, 12, 31-39.
Hirschheim, R. and Klein, H.K. 1994 Realizing Emancipatory principles in Information Systems Development: The Case for Ethics. MIS Quarterly, 83-109.
Effy,Oz. 1992 Ethical standards for information system professionals: a case for a unified code, MIS Quarterly, 423-433.
Effy Oz. 1993 Ethical Standards for Computer professionals: A Comparative Analysis of Four Major Codes. Journal of Business Ethics 12, 709-726.
Parker, D.B. 1990 Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology. AFIP Press.
Paradice, D.B. and Dejoie R.M. 1991 The Ethical Decision-Making Process of Information Systems Workers. J. of Business Ethics 10, 57-77.
Ross, W.D. 1969 Moral duties. Macmillan, London.
Rawls, J. 1971 A Theory of Jutice. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Shim, J.P. and Taylor, G.S. 1988 Business Faculty Members' Perceptions of Unauthorized Software Coping. OR/MS Today 15, 30-31.
Taylor, G.S. and Davis,, J.S. 1989 Individual Privacy and Computer-Based Human Resource Resource Information System. J. of Business Ethics 8, 569-576.
Velasquez et. al. 1996 Thinkink Ethically: A Framework for Moral Decision Making. Http://scuish.scu.edu/Ethics/Magazines/Issues/Winter/Thinking.htm.
Velasquez, M.G. 1992 Business Ethics: Concept and Cases. 2d and 3d eds. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall.
Walsham, G. 1994 Ethical Issues in Information Systems Development: The Analyst as moral agent. In Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development, Avison, D., Kendall, J.E., and DeGross, J. Eds. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Wood-Harper, A.T., Corder, S., and Wood, J.R.G. 1996 How We Prefess: The Ethical Systems Analyst. Commun. of the ACM 39, 3, 69-77.