════════════════════════════════════ Abstract:The article analyses basic situation about families bribery crime together, criminous constitutes, use for reference experiences of putative bribery from ancientry china and the present age’world, combine national public servant’authority characteres, function of criminal policy, science basic of putative bribery, and present criminal law’ putative program, argumentation need and feasibility of putative program in law of families bribery criminal together. The article point, families bribery criminal together is a stabilization especial form in criminal together, the dark of intent of families bribery criminal together, decide that criminal should bear onus probandi finally. Prove standard is get rid of suspicion with reason, but, should give attention to the pricipal that doubt criminal should lay off. It is oppose and unify between the putative of families bribery criminal together and the putative of impeccability. ════════════════════════════════════