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2018-11-12 10:24:40



Generally speaking, employers are looking for two things in job applicants: proof that a candidate can handle a specific job and evidence that the person will fit in with the organization. Employers are most concerned with the candidate' s experience, but communication skills, enthusiasm and motivation are also significant elements.


Every position requires specific qualifications. (51)When you are invited to have an interview for a position, the interviewer, based on the review of your resume, may know very well whether or not you have the right qualifications. But during the interview, you will be asked to describe your education and previous jobs in more depth so the interviewer can determine how well yours kills match the requirements.


(52) Another consideration is whether a candidate has a right personality traits for the job.Different job requires a different mix of personality traits. The task of the interviewer is to find out whether a candidate will be able to do the job comfortably.


In addition to determining whether the candidate has the right professional qualifications and personality for a particular job, the interviewer must decide whether or not the person will be compatible with the other people in the organization.


On the issue of "fit", the views of different interviewers will vary. (53)Physical appearance is often a consideration, because clothing and grooming (打扮) reveal something about interviewee' s personality and awareness of industry standards. Apart from noticing a candidate' s clothes,interviewers also size up such physical factors as eye contact, how they shake hands, facial expressions and tone of voice.


Age will also be an important factor in the interviewer' s mind to decide whether an applicant will fit in with the organization. (54) If you feel your age count against you, conteract its influence by emphasizing your experience, dependability, and mature attitudes.


Besides all the qualifications mentioned above, a candidate' s personal background-interests,hobbies, awareness of world events, and the like-is also regarded as an indicator of how well the person will fit in with the organization. (55)You can expand your potential along these lines by reading a variety of books, making an effort to meet new friends, and participating in discussion groups.


51.When you are invited to have an interview for a position, the interviewer, based on the review of your resume, may know very well whether or not you have the right qualifications.




52.Another consideration is whether a candidate has a right personality traits for the job.




53.Physical appearance is often a consideration, because clothing and grooming (打扮) reveal something about interviewee' s personality and awareness of industry standards.




54.If you feel your age count against you, conteract its influence by emphasizing your experience, dependability, and mature attitudes.




55.ou can expand your potential along these lines by reading a variety of books, making an effort to meet new friends, and participating in discussion groups.




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