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2018-08-19 16:10:45




.Answer the follwing questions briefly.(12%)I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)

1. The relationship between language and culture is that ____________.      .

A. language determines culture             B. culture determines language

C. language and culture interact            D. language and culture are parallel

2. Language is used for communication in that communication is the ____________function of


A. primary B. peripheral

C. medium D. personal

3.A game played on horseback by two teams of players on a ground is called ____________.

A. hockey B. polo

C. rugby              D. golf

4. In English culture, “old” is associated with all the following EXCEPT ____________.

A. useless B. traditional

C. skilled D. senile

5. English is often referred to as a ____________language because it uses frequently connectives to indicate the relation between linguistic elements.

A. paratactic B. hypotactic

C. branching D. linear

6.The difference found in answers to negative questions between English and Chinese demonstrates that ____________.

 A. English speakers are direct and Chinese speakers are indirect

 B. English speakers are individualistic and Chinese speakers are polite

 C. English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language

 D. Chinese speakers are strongly influenced by the environment, the way in which the question

   is formed, while English are not

7. “Good-bye” is derived from the expression ____________.

A. “good luck for you”                    B. “God be with you”

C. “looking forward to seeing you again”      D. “God bless you”

8. In London, when you try to gain the attention of a stranger, the proper expression you would

 like to use is “ ____________.”

A. Hi B. Hello

C. Miss/Mister D. Excuse me

9. ____________means to say something in a joking way, to tease, fluster, or to deceive somebody temporarily.

A. “To pull one’s leg” B. “To keep a straight face”

C. “To make a cat laugh” D. “To ride one’s high horse”

10. The allusion  ____________can be used to refer to a person who submits to indignities and

sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling.

A. “a Cinderella”                         B. “a Sherlock Holmes”

C. “an Uncle Tom”                        D. “an Oliver Twist”

11. “That’s a budding theory” illustrates the metaphor that


C. “Ideas are plants”                       D. “Ideas are resources”

12. “Blue” may connote ____________.

A. jealousy and envy B. negative qualities

C. purity and innocence D. unhappy feelings

13. “To be expecting” is a euphemistic expression for ____________.

A. “to be pregnant” B. “to have sex”

C. “to relieve oneself ” D. “to be unemployed”

14. ____________, with possessive pronouns, is used in addressing or referring to a king, queen or emperor.                                                              

A. Honourable B. Majesty

C. Excellency D. Royal

15. Only those collections of sentences that consist of sentences connected in certain ways can be

regarded as ____________.

A. texts B. paragraphs

C. topic sentences D. context

16. A: Do you mind my opening the window?

   B: I catch a cold.

There is ____________between the above two sentences.

A. logic B. lexic

C. cohesion D. coherence

17. In American English, the equivalent word for “轮胎” is ____________.

A. tire B. tired

C. tyre D. type

18. Many scientific discoveries or inventions are named after their discoverers or inventors. Which of the following terms is a technical term that is derived from personal name?    

A. Mercury B. Watt

C. Jupiter D. Pepsi

19. In English body language, “stamping one’s foot” signifies ____________.

A. anger B.  irritation

C. impatience D. frustration

20. What does punctuality mean to Americans and Englishmen?(      )

A. In time. B. On time if not a little before.

C. A couple of minutes late. D. Half an hour late.

II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read. each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide what alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)

21. Language is ____________used in the communication of thought.

A. an instrument B. an idea

C. a means D. a vehicle

22. The fact that “伯父、 叔父、舅父、姑父、姨夫” collectively correspond to “uncle” implies that

the distinction between ____________is often ignored in English culture.

A. paternal and maternal relatives B. male and female relatives

C. blood and spouse relatives D. old and young relatives

23. Which description is reasonable in the following cultural interpretations for the differences in

word order between English and Chinese?(      )

A. English people are inclined to think inductively, while Chinese people tend to think


B. English people are direct and Chinese people are indirect.

C. English people are inclined to think deductively, while Chinese people tend to think


D. English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language.

24. In relation to vocative and culture, which of the following statements does Not cover the truth in life?(      )

A. Both in English and Chinese “mother”, “father”, “grandmother” and “grandfather” are

normally used alone as forms of address.

B. In English “uncle” and “aunt” are seldom used together with the addressee's given name.

C. Both in English and Chinese, there are a large quantity of vocatives available to address to strangers.

D. Some vocatives used to address to strangers are more extensively used in the United Kingdom than in the United States.

25. The sentences in a text may be linked by ____________means.

A. grammatical B. logical

C. lexical D. meaningful

26. American English differs from British English mainly in ____________.

A. tone B. pronunciation

C. grammar D. vocabulary

27. Body language refers to such meaning representing devices as ____________.

A. facial expressions B. eye behaviours

C. gestures D. postures

28. “To miss the boat” can be used to mean to lose the opportunity ____________.

A. to do something B. to go touring

C. to obtain something D. to go boating

29. The colour word “red” can be used metaphorically to symbolize ____________in English culture.

A. high military ranks B. embarrassment or shyness

C. communism and revolution D. celebrations and joyful occasions

30. “____________” can be used as a euphemism to signify death.

A. Complete B. Perish

C. To be with one’s parents D. To pay the debt of nature

III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(20%)

31. Only human beings possess what can be called ____________in the true sense of the term.

32. Conceptual meaning is the ____________a word conveys.

33. English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the ____________relations between linguistic elements.

34. The Chinese meaning of the English name ____________is “人类的保护者”.

35. The term “text” refers to any piece of spoken or written language, which expresses a ____________ meaning.

36. In American English, the letter “a” in the word “pass” is pronounced as ____________.

37. The study of the ways human beings use and communicate with ____________is     referred to as proxemics.

38. ____________are one type of idioms, consisting of a verb and a particle in most cases.

39. In both similes and metaphors tenor and ____________, the medium through which

something is expressed or displayed, occur simultaneously.

40. The English expression equivalent to “拜访” is “____________”.


41.What is the American equivalent for the British word “maize”?

42.Indicate the logical relationship between the following adjoining sentences.

   Billy: I don’t know what to do next.

Jean: Neither do I.

43.Which English expression do you know that illustrates the statement that pink is associated with women?

44.How will you explain the contrast of explicit grammar in English and implicit grammar in Chinese?





47When I was young,I walked to school.

48.Wine makes all kinds of creatures at table.

49.He shook his head with an appreciative chuckle.

50.Comrade and master are never used in the same way as their translation equivalents are used in Chinese.

.Discuss the following topics.(20%)

51.What are the English expressions that have been coined to avoid sexism?

52.What cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese titles in vocatives?

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