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2018-10-11 15:48:59









   Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers arked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the   ANSWER SHEET. (30 points, 1 point each)

 1. "Chunnel" is a channel           that joins England to France.

     A. highway                          B. bridge

     C. tunnel                            D. cable

2. When George VI died in 1952,          was crowned.

    A. Prince Charles                      B. Queen Elizabeth II

    C. Mary Tudor                         D. Lord Darnley

3. On July 7, 2005, London was struck by          , Britain's worst attack since World War II.

    A. a fire                               B. a tornado

    C. an earthquake                     D. a terrorist bombing

4. Margaret Thatcher was removed by her own party in 1990 partly because of her          

    A. opposition to European Union

    B. imposition of property taxes

     C. weakening of trade unions

    D. failure to control inflation

  5. In the UK, historic          remain important cultural units and serve as a focus for local identity, though they have little administrative power.

     A. cities                               B. towns

     C. shires                              D. counties

 6. British culture industry accounts for          of the world's cultural exports.

     A. one-sixth                         B. one-fourth

     C. one-third                         D. one-half

 7. The causes of the Hundred Years' War were territorial and          

     A. racial                             B. political

     C. economic                         D. religious

 8. The real legislative body in the UK is          

     A. the Cabinet                       B. the Sovereign

     C. the House of Lords                 D. the House of Commons

 9. In the UK, primary education is free and compulsory from age          

     A. 4to10                         B. 5toll

     C. 7to12                         D. 8to13

10. In the US           introduced the assembly-line method of making cars.

     A. Henry Ford                       B. Wilbur Wright

     C. Andrew Carnegie                  D. John D. Rockefeller

11.            , accepted by all the states in America by March 1781, was intended for a more permanent and legitimate union of the states.

     A. The Treaty of Paris

     B. The American Constitution

     C. The Articles of Confederation

     D. The Declaration of Independence

12. Among many of the important rivers in the United States,           has been called "father of waters."

     A. the Missouri                       B. the Mississippi

     C. the Ohio River                     D. the Colorado River

13. The moviemaker of Reservoir Dogs is          

     A. Quentin Tarantino                  B. Steven Soderbergh

     C. Kevin Smith                        D. Spike Lee

14. The first representative assembly in America, which was organized by the people of Virginia in 1619, was          

     A. the Senate

     B. the Congress

     C. the House of Burgesses

     D. the House of Representatives

15. The first railroad to cross the entire country of the US was completed in Utah in          

     A. 1865                             B. 1869

     C. 1870                             D. 1893

16. The final defeat of the Native Americans came in the battle of Wounded Knee in          in 1890.

     A. Kansas                          B. South Dakota

     C. Califomia                        D. New Hampshire

17. President          visited China in 1972, which led to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US.

      A. Nixon                             B. Carter

      C. Reagan                           D. Kennedy

l 8. The largest state in the US is          

      A. Texas                             B. Alaska

      C. Nevada                           D. Carolina

 19. Why was the new continent named America after Amerigo Vespucci?

      A. Because he gave his own name to the new continent.

      B. Because he was the first European to reach the new continent.

      C. Because he proved the land was not India, but a new continent.

      D. Because he was the first European to discover the new continent.

 20. Who is considered the father of Canadian literature?

      A. Alice Munro.                         B. Frances Brooke.

      C. Ernest Thompson Seton.            D. Charles CL D. Roberts.

 21. Plant life in Canada varies with land type and climate, and by far the most abundant formis          

      A. long grass                        B. scattered trees

      C. boreal forest                      D. muskeg swamp

22.            is the principal religion in Canada.

     A. Buddhism                        B. Christianity

     C. Islam                            D. Hinduism

23. Although Australia is not a large continent, it is the world's          largest country.

     A. third                          B. fourth

     C. fifth                           D. sixth

24.           is Australia's primary crop, for both domestic consumption and exports.

     A. Cotton                           B. Wheat

     C. Sugar                            D. Fruit

25. In Australia the Constitution can be changed only by          

     A. referendum                       B. the Parliament

     C. the British monarch                D. the Supreme Court

26. New Zealand lies in          latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.

      A. cold                               B. tropical

      C. subtropical                        D. temperate

27. In New Zealand there is wide-spread participation in          

      A. soccer                           B. basketball

      C. rugby football                    D. high jump

28. Appointed by the British monarch, the Governor-General in New Zealand holds a          term.

      A. three-year                        B. four-year

      C. five-year                         D. six-year

29. Politically, Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland and          

      A. Northern Ireland                  B. Scotland

      C. England                          D. Wales

 30. In          , the Irish Free State left the British Commonwealth and became the Republic of Ireland.

      A. 1918                             B. 1920

      C. 1921                             D. 1948



     Choose 10 answers from the box and write the correct letter in the blanks 31-40 on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points, 2 points each)

31. In the UK,           dominates the extensive built-up area of the West Midlands metropolitan area.

32. In 597,           became the first Archbishop of Canterbury.

33. The two party names Whigs and Tories originated with          

34. As the epicenter of American commercial theater,           is one of the largest theater communities in the world.

35. The          policy towards the Soviet Union was openly declared by President Truman on March 12, 1949.

36. The Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, and          influence the climate of the United States.

37. The totem-pole          of the Northwest Coast Indians are now ecognized as important works of Canadian visual art.

38.           , the state capital of Victoria, is Australia's second largest city in terms of population.

39. In 1944 New Zealand and Australia signed           , claiming a voice in the postwar affairs of the Pacific.

40. The          religion had a major influence on Ireland long before the adoption of Christianity in the 5th century.


A. the Great Lakes

B. the Canberra Pact

C. carvings

D. Birmingham

E. appeasement

F. Broadway

G. Celtic

H. paintings

I. the Glorious Revolution

J. St. Augustine

K. containment

L. Melbourne



      Define the following terms in English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET in around 40 words. (10 points, 5 points each)

41. Manifest Destiny

42. the Treaty of Waitangi



      Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. You are required to use complete sentences. Write your answers on the NSWER SHEET. (30 points, 3 points each)

43. In what literary areas did the English Renaissance find its expression?

44. What are the three functions of the Community Health Service in the UK?

45. What was the aim of the Marshall Plan?

46. Why are many American Hispanics in low-paying jobs?

47. What did the Progressive Movement in the US demand?

48. Why do most people in Australia live aiong the coasts?

49. When and why was the ANZUS Treaty signed?

50. What natural conditions ailow for the year-round outdoor activities in New Zeaiand?

51. When was Ireland's entry into the European Community and what was the effect?

52. Who are the two Irish poets that won the Nobel Prize for Literature?


    Write 100-120 words on the following topic on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

53. What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?

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