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2017-07-19 14:36:57


Turn the scale 扭转局面,改变形式

The Spanish war and other events in 1936-1937 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood.

Take side 支持、领袖

It is simply(仅仅、不过)a question of which side one takes and what approach on follow.

In any case 无论如何

In itself 就其本身而言

Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting.

At a loss 茫然,困惑

Most people are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing.

At time 有时

First and foremost 首先

In comparison with 相比之下,比较起来

In comparison to other recent video games this one isn't very exciting.

At large 整个,总的

 In the long run 最后,从长远看

Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness in the long run.

Well-to-do 富裕的

Kill time 消磨时间

As a matter of course 理所应当的事

We will contact your former employer as a matter of course.

At one‘s best 处于最佳状态

It seems that men are at their best between sixty and seventy.

Not a few 相当多

With/without one‘s knowledge 告知(未告知)某人

He sold the car without his wife‘s knowledge.


Get by 离开,通过

He said it would never get by his desk because the Army would rescind the magazine‘s accreditation to cover the war.

Sink in 完全理解

The message begins to sink in.

Not give a damn 毫不在乎

And the mass of people in this country literally don‘t give a damn.

Put on = switch sth on

After all you can switch off the TV news and put on Dick Van Dyke.

毕竟你可以关掉电视新闻,换上Dick Van Dyke的节目。

So what 就算是我也不在乎

He‘s fifteen years younger than me.

So what if he is

In the form of 的形式

Deal in 沉溺于

But what this country doesn‘t know is that America has created a monster in the form of millions of fighting men who have been taught to deal in violence.

In no way 决不

Stand up for 为某人说话、工作

In a way 在某种程度上

It‘s a distortion because we in no way considered ourselves the “best men” in this country because those he called misfits were standing up for up in a way nobody else in this country dared to

Tear sth apart 彻底毁灭

Tear this country apart.

Want of 缺乏,不足We found that too often American men were dying in those rice paddies(稻田) from want of support from out so-called allies.

Blame sth on sb / blame sb for sth

America blamed it all on the Viet Cong.

Hand out 分配某物,分发Relief workers were handing out emergency rations to the survivors.

Call for 要求

The situation call for prompt action.形势所迫,必须立即采取行动。

Part and parcel of 重要部分,不可缺少的一部分

Badly off 潦倒,穷困

The diffusion of wealth now permits those of the poor who are less badly off than their father to do the same.

Long since 很久以前I've long since forgiven her for what she did.    Have kids 生孩子 

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